Hihi..bukan perjalanan sesungguhnya ke Korea lho..tapi lewat dramnya..^_^..weekend adalah waktu yang paling tepat buat nonton DVD drama Korea..kenapa..karena episodenya yang sangat panjang dan nontonnya juga harus penuh penghayatan..jadi harus di waktu longgar dan santai...supaya dapet cemistry sama jalan ceritanya..maklum..kalau DVD kan bahasanya asli Korea..walaupun ada terjemahannya..suka ngaco..hihi..tapi kalau kita ngikutin dapet juga feelnya..bener2 seperti jalan2 ke Korea dech..karena lewat drama2nya pun kita bisa liat tempat2 indah di Korea , budaya kebiasaan sehari2 orang Korea,makanannya , dan juga pemainnya yang cakep2..hehe. Komplet dech..jadi walaupun liburan weekend di rumah..serasa traveling ke Korea..haha..

Pilihan DVD minggu ini adalah My Love By My Side..termasuk baru juga ..baru di puter di Korea dan selesai Oktober kemaren. ceritanya..drama dan keluarga banget..mengharu biru..ampe nangis..beneran lho kalau nonton drama Korea tuch bisa nangis2 dan kebawa mimpi..seolah2 semua hal di drama tersebut nyata..cuma satu hal aja yang tidak ku suka di drama Korea..yaitu kebiasaan orang2 Korea yang suka minum2 alkohol..kalau ada masalah..hehe..tapi selain itu top dech..menghibur dan banyak memberi pelajaran hidup..
Ini nich drama yang ku tonton kemaren..lumayan Ok ceritanya..cuma kadang gak sabar ngikutin konflik2nya..akhirnya di tengah episode..skip aja langsung episode terakhir..haha..besok kalau ada waktu lagi di tonton lagi dech..yang penting udah puas..dan tahu kalau akhirnya happy ending...
My Love By My Side (literal title)
19-year-old Mi-Sol (Lee So-Yeon) lives with her mother and uncle. She is senior in high school and lives her life pretty much like other high school students. Mi-Sol studies hard to enter a good university and her mom is enthusiastic over her studies. Not knowing why, Mi-Sol finds it difficult to wake up early in the morning and starts to eat a lot.
Suk-Bin (On Joo-Wan) and Mi-Sol have become friends through their mothers who know each other. Suk-Bin is an honor student, but stresses over his mother's lofty expectations for him. His family lives in the guest house on his uncle's estate and his father works for his uncle's company. His uncle's mother-in-law runs a big company. His uncle and aunt get along well, but they do not have children. His aunt has a secret. She gave birth when she was 20 years old, but her mother dumped the baby and told her that the baby was dead. The aunt overhears her mother talking on the phone and learns that her baby did not actually die. On the way home from the orphanage where she tried to find information on her baby the aunt dies in a car accident.
Meanwhile, So-Ryong (Lee Jae-Yoon) is a university student. His lives with his parents (his mom works as a high school teacher) and his troublemaker grandmother. Because of the grandmother the family is in financial difficulties. Nevertheless, So-Ryong is a positive and good person.
Mi-Sol has no idea what might be the cause of her unusual symptoms. One day she learns that one of her friends got pregnant and others gossip about. Mi-Sol realizes that she might be pregnant as well. Mi-Sol becomes paranoid and decides to take a pregnancy test. The test comes out positive. One day, Mi-Sol dresses up like an adult and goes to a clinic to have an abortion, but she feels her baby inside of her ...

Pilihan DVD minggu ini adalah My Love By My Side..termasuk baru juga ..baru di puter di Korea dan selesai Oktober kemaren. ceritanya..drama dan keluarga banget..mengharu biru..ampe nangis..beneran lho kalau nonton drama Korea tuch bisa nangis2 dan kebawa mimpi..seolah2 semua hal di drama tersebut nyata..cuma satu hal aja yang tidak ku suka di drama Korea..yaitu kebiasaan orang2 Korea yang suka minum2 alkohol..kalau ada masalah..hehe..tapi selain itu top dech..menghibur dan banyak memberi pelajaran hidup..
Ini nich drama yang ku tonton kemaren..lumayan Ok ceritanya..cuma kadang gak sabar ngikutin konflik2nya..akhirnya di tengah episode..skip aja langsung episode terakhir..haha..besok kalau ada waktu lagi di tonton lagi dech..yang penting udah puas..dan tahu kalau akhirnya happy ending...
My Love By My Side (literal title)
- Revised romanization: Nae Sarang Nae Gyeote
- Hangul: 내사랑 내곁에
- Director: Han Jung-Hwan
- Writer: Kim Sang-Kyung
- Producer: Kim Jung-Min
- Network: SBS
- Episodes: 50
- Release Date: May 7, 2011 -- October 23, 2011
- Runtime: Sat & Sun 20:40
- Language: Korean
- Country: South Korea
A 19-year-old high school student becomes pregnant and has the baby. She raises her baby alone and finds her own love.19-year-old Mi-Sol (Lee So-Yeon) lives with her mother and uncle. She is senior in high school and lives her life pretty much like other high school students. Mi-Sol studies hard to enter a good university and her mom is enthusiastic over her studies. Not knowing why, Mi-Sol finds it difficult to wake up early in the morning and starts to eat a lot.
Suk-Bin (On Joo-Wan) and Mi-Sol have become friends through their mothers who know each other. Suk-Bin is an honor student, but stresses over his mother's lofty expectations for him. His family lives in the guest house on his uncle's estate and his father works for his uncle's company. His uncle's mother-in-law runs a big company. His uncle and aunt get along well, but they do not have children. His aunt has a secret. She gave birth when she was 20 years old, but her mother dumped the baby and told her that the baby was dead. The aunt overhears her mother talking on the phone and learns that her baby did not actually die. On the way home from the orphanage where she tried to find information on her baby the aunt dies in a car accident.
Meanwhile, So-Ryong (Lee Jae-Yoon) is a university student. His lives with his parents (his mom works as a high school teacher) and his troublemaker grandmother. Because of the grandmother the family is in financial difficulties. Nevertheless, So-Ryong is a positive and good person.
Mi-Sol has no idea what might be the cause of her unusual symptoms. One day she learns that one of her friends got pregnant and others gossip about. Mi-Sol realizes that she might be pregnant as well. Mi-Sol becomes paranoid and decides to take a pregnancy test. The test comes out positive. One day, Mi-Sol dresses up like an adult and goes to a clinic to have an abortion, but she feels her baby inside of her ...